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Promoting Research on Internet Television - Essay Example It would be directed utilizing subjective strategy, alongside two arrangements ...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Edmund Dulac was a prominent artist from the Golden Age of...

Edmund Dulac was a prominent artist from the Golden Age of Illustration. Born in Toulouse in 1882, Dulac moved to England at the age of 20 where he spent most of his career. Since his first commission his career flourished and he was in tremendous demand from publishers. Dulac is best known for his enchanting illustrations of fairy tales and children’s stories, his most famous works include illustrations for The Arabian Nights, Sleeping Beauty and Stories from Hans Christen Anderson. (Davies, 2013) Dulac moved to London because of the publishing opportunities and began work as an illustrator in the new genre of illustrated gift books. The industry of deluxe book publishing was thriving and the collection and possession of these was a†¦show more content†¦Examples of the full deep shadow and darkness to capture dark moods, and the light source and the eerie and otherworldly effect of light can be seen in â€Å"To Helen†. (Worth, 2013) To Helen Edmund Dulac, 1912 Photographic reproduction of watercolor Dulac made many rough sketches and once he had chosen a preferred design, and thought about the elements of personality and composition he would trace over with a solid line. He would trace the final image then watercolour in shades according to the trichromatic process. He used watercolor and gouache, and used touches of pen and ink or pencil. His most famous works in books and magazines are largely produced in this way. (Upson, 2012) During the First World War, he worked on a book for ‘The Red Cross,’ which he filled with Illustrations and held auctions of his original artworks and gave the profits to charity. (Upson, 2012) After World War I, when the demand for illustrated deluxe books was over, Dulac moved into other areas of design. He lived pay-check to pay-check and adapted to work for

Monday, December 16, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility ( Csr ) - 1918 Words

Corporate Social Responsibility Introduction: Different authors and forums have defined Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) differently. For example as per World Bank definition Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means an organization must be accountable in front of its stakeholders for all of its actions and operations (Nicolau 2008). According to European Union (EU) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept by which organizations integrate social and environmental interests in their operations and in their dealings with stakeholders voluntarily (Daniel Richard 2007). The high volume of research on the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actually highlights the significance of this topic. A lot of discussion on this issue turned this concept into an important part of today’s corporate world. As a result people expect from today’s organizations to maintain higher ethical standards in their operations and fulfill social responsibility towards the society in which they operate (Swaen Lindgreen 2010). Due to heavy attention by researchers on this topic now Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is very well known but in the past different but related terms had been used in the meaning of CSR. This collection of terms include corporate citizenship, business ethics, sustainability, corporate social performance, triple bottom line or corporate accountability (Daniel Richard 2007). In this essay it will be tried to discuss some of theShow MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibility And Csr1566 Words   |  7 PagesSocial responsibility or also called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)- is the firm’s engagement (voluntarily initiated) in and its compliance (legally mandated) to environmental, social, and governance issues (The Foundation, 2014). Also, is based on stakeholder’s needs being financially sustainable, and CSR can come from both corporate or not-to-profit organizations. CSR has seven categories; Leadership, vision and values; Marketplace activities; Workforce activities; Supply chain activities;Read MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1167 Words   |  5 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept which is also known as corporate citizenship, corporate conscience or in a simple way a responsible business. It is an integrated concept of self-regulatory business model for any organisation. Corporate Social Responsibility has been in practice for more than fifty years now, which has been adopted not only by domestic companies but also by transnational company with voluntary CSR initiativesRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Csr1232 Words   |  5 PagesCorporate social responsibility has become a buzzword within the industry in the last few years. Following the financial market crash investors and stakeholders began looking at corporations to act more socially responsible. The meaning of social responsibility differs across regions. Western countries are the ones who are pushing for corporate social responsibility -thesis-- A broad overview at corporate social responsibility (CSR) looks to corporations to make a change in the society or the environmentRead MoreCsr : Corporate Social Responsibility1598 Words   |  7 Pages CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined by many groups like, Tata steel, Coca Cola, Reliance, Videocon etc. Although they all stand for similar meanings connecting to taking responsibilities of the society as a business individual, its definition has been getting broader from a established point of view, corporate social responsibility is a type of business instruction included in a business demonstration. CSR policy functions as a self-regulatoryRead MoreCsr : Corporate Social Responsibility Essay1285 Words   |  6 PagesCSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility and it is a concept with many definitions and practices and also a buzzword in the media. In general, corporate social responsibility is the policies and progra ms of business corporations which tend to benefit society while improving a corporation’s public image and profitability at the same time. The meaning of it is implemented in different countries and companies differently. Warren Buffet said that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and onlyRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )863 Words   |  4 Pagestechnology in the last century. The term of Corporate Social Responsibility appears more often into public’s concerned and it has become a hot issue in recent years. This essay is going to discuss and provide an overview of corporate social responsibility (CSR) by debate some key issue in this area. 1.2 What is Corporate Social Responsibility? In 1953, Bowen’s Social Responsibility of the Businessman firstly discusses the idea of corporate social responsibility. He states the relationship between societyRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1314 Words   |  6 PagesSocial responsibility has become a primal interest to the humankind for the past two decades. In the earlier days, the firms and organizations concentrated only on the financial part of the business and ignored the ethical, social and moral sectors. But in the recent times, the businesses are getting a grip of the significance of the social, ecological and environmental effects on their success. This has resulted in the emerging interactions between organizations and social segments thus giving riseRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1173 Words   |  5 Pages Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is highly important to Millennials. If a company is lacking a CSR plan, now it a good time to start one. Millennials are looking for ways in making a positive impact on the world and are expecting the same from companies. They are looking for companies that contribute to the betterment of communities and the environment. Millennials put great value in supporting such brands, companies and organizations that share these values. Companies without a CSR in placeRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Csr979 Words   |  4 PagesThe notion of Corporate Social Responsibility is a phenomenon globally known for many years. In spite of the fact that CSR has been neglected for quite a long time, nowadays several authors deal with this issue, as revealed by the development of theories in recent years concerning the topic. In spite of the fact that there has been a huge growth of literature it is still impossible to simply define CSR. Many definitions trying to capture the concept of CSR exist, but their content varies (MattenRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility ( Csr )1370 Words   |  6 Pagesmore attention on the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The core issue is the appropriate responsibility of business. In as much as firms ought to obey the law, but beyond complete compliance with environmental laws, the question is whether firms have extra social responsibilities to commit part of their resources to environmental preservation voluntarily. This memo provides an exploratory investigation of the link between corporate social responsibility and the benefits accruing to a

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Feasibility of Calamansi as Anti-Dandruff Hair Gel free essay sample

Rutaceae is a genus of plants with more than 160 species. It is also known as citrus family. Calamansi is one of the species of Rutaceae. The plant is characterized by wing-like appendages on the leaf stalks and white or purplish flowers. Its fruit has either a spongy or leathery rind with a juicy pulp that is divided into sections. Calamansi belongs to the family of lemon which has the ability of producing amino acids, vitamin C and vitamin B. The researcher find out that those substance can create an anti-microbial that prevents dandruff from the scalp of your hair and gives the shiniest and smoothest of hair ever. Statement of the Problem: The researcher stated the following problems: 1.) Can we produce a Natural Anti-Dandruff Hair Gel out of the extract of Calaamansi fruit? 2.) Are there any side effects? 3.) What are the components of Calamansi fruit that help reduce dandruff? Hypothesis: 1.) Calamansi fruit has the ability to be used as Anti-Dandruff Hair Hair Gel. We will write a custom essay sample on Feasibility of Calamansi as Anti-Dandruff Hair Gel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2.) There are no side effects for Calamansi fruit to be used As Anti-Dandruff Hair Gel. 3.) Vitamins B C and amino acids are the substances which is capable of reducing dandruff. Significance of the Study: The significance of the study is, it can gives your hair the perfect care of it through vitamins B C and many minerals that contain by a calamansi fruit. It benefits people who are having problems with their hair and also to the environment because it doesn’t contain chemicals, yet it contains only naturals. Scope and Limitation: Calamansi extract (1/2 cup) For the Gel Water (1cup) Oil (2-3 drops) Container with lid Unflavored Gelatin (1-2 teaspoons)

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Japan Essay Example

Japan Essay Tu Fu lived through a period of political and social unrest in China where there was warfare and constant threat of displacement. â€Å"Song of P’eng-ya† depicts an episode of running from violent rebellion. What do you think about this poem? What kind of values does this poem speak of? This poem touches the reader in a very real and very sad way. This poems main theme was about a family sticking together through very hard times and having nobody to rely on but each other. Aside from family, I think that the most important value Tu Fu shows is goodness. He shows the importance of this when his friend helps out in his time of trouble. He is very grateful for the goodness that still lies within people. What is the short poem, â€Å"Moonlit Night† (836) about? Who do you think â€Å"she† is in the poem? What is the general atmosphere and feeling of this poem? What in the poem contributes to these feelings? This poem is about two lovers who are living apart for the time being. â€Å"She† refers to his wife and/or lover. They aren’t together at the time and there is definitely a sad feeling because of the separation. We will write a custom essay sample on Japan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Japan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Japan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He is lonely and misses her. He describes her in detail in line 5 which shows how much he cares for her and also verifies that he is not with her right now but wishes he was. This poem raises the question of when he will see her again. Like Tao Chien, Tu Fu also mentions is â€Å"Thatched Roof† (837). What is the difference in their descriptions of their homes? What does lines 38-46 (838) of this poem mean? Why did he start the poem talking about his own situation and ended up talking about a â€Å"towering roof† for â€Å"poorest gentlemen of all this world†? A hint—focus on the word â€Å"gentleman†. In general what do houses stand for in poems, either in Tao Chien’s or Tu Fu’s? Tao Chiens reaction to the situation was more related to Taoism and Tu Fus was more related to Confucianism. Tao Chien more or less reacted without much thinking and went with the flow of nature. Tu Fu believes that because he leads a life of knowledge and morals that he should have a proper home. Last poem: â€Å"Writing of My Feelings Traveling by Night† (838)Try to picture this poem in your mind. What do you see? What do you feel? What is this poem about and what is the general atmosphere? I see water close by in this poem. I feel sadness and doubtfulness. I think this poem is about growing old and realizing how close to the end you are and wondering if you have lived to the fullest of your potential. Tu Fu is probably one of the most respected of all Chinese poets of the classical era. Given your understanding of, especially Confucian ideals, why do you think he is so admired? Do the poems reveal any of these Confucian ideals? Tu Fu is the perfect example of what a gentleman would be as far as Confucianism goes. His poetry is put together very well in a way that can relate and also teach the readers. He has a calm manor about him and doesn’t go over the top at all. He is able to connect with the reader on an emotional level. What general thoughts do you have of these poems? Tu Fus poems seem to be full of regret and sadness. By regret I mean he wishes he could still hold on to things, not change the way he handled them. He is very reserved and calm throughout his writings and this allows him to connect to a reader in a very real way.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Homosexuality as a norm of a society Essays

Homosexuality as a norm of a society Essays Homosexuality as a norm of a society Paper Homosexuality as a norm of a society Paper Both homosexuality and heterosexuality behaviors are common throughout human societies (and in many other species), with all cultures regulating the conditions under which they are allowed. In many of Papua New Guinea’s indigenous societies, for example, males are expected to engage exclusively in homosexual behavior for several years during adolescence (data are generally lacking for female sexual behavior in these cultures). Later, they are expected to marry a female and engage in heterosexual behaviors with her. In some of these societies, adult males regularly return to homosexual behavior to initiate new generations of adolescent boys. Thus, appropriate male sexual behavior is defined according to the individual’s age and societal events (e. g. the occurrence of rituals in which older males are called upon to initiate adolescents). In several tribal societies there have existed masculinization rituals in which the semen of adult men was imparted to or ingested by young boys so that the latter would develop into warriors. In Greek pederasty, the older men played the role of mentor in the sexual and civic development of the adolescent boy into full manhood (John P. De Cecco, 1995). People arrive at a homosexual identity through various routes. Some individuals, for example, identify as gay only after multiple homosexual experiences, while others form a gay identity entirely on the basis of their romantic attractions without having engaged in homosexual behaviors. Not all people with homosexual attractions develop a gay or lesbian identity, and not all people who identify themselves as gay engage in homosexual acts. Many men, for example, regularly have sex with other men but never label themselves as gay or bisexual. An increasing number of employers, organizations and local governments now offer same-sex â€Å"domestic partners† some of the same benefits that they give heterosexual married couples. And same-sex couples now enjoy legal recognition in the Scandinavian countries and in other countries. Since the early 1990s, growing numbers of lesbians and gay men have chosen to become parents, often in the situation of a committed same-sex relationship. Although there is no scientific basis or claims that lesbians will not make good mothers or gay men will not make good fathers, gay parents have often met with resentment from the conservative segments of society and have ever been denied custody of their own children. Nevertheless, lesbian and gay families are increasingly common. Yet another phenomenon encompassed in â€Å"homosexuality† in the United States (and many other societies) is minority group membership. In the twentieth century, society increasingly came to regard gay people as a minority group, and individuals sharing a gay or lesbian identity developed visible communities similar to ethnic, religious, and cultural minorities. Empirical research indicates that gay men and lesbians in the Unites States manifest greater psychological and social adjustment to the extent that they identify with and feel part of a community (Raymond J Corsini, 2001). Prison sexuality The structure of the prison environment makes prison sexuality a unique focus for research. When inmates enter prison society, they lose many of their basic human rights. One of this is privacy. Privacy is compromised within the prison system because the prison is a â€Å"total institution. † Prison is an unnatural environment because it deprives the individual of fundamental rights, possessions, experiences, and relationships. Sex is prohibited because of this condition; prisons inherently create conflict because they are dominating institutions. The most recent research on the prison sexual hierarchy came from a study of three male prisons in Oklahoma conducted by Hensley in 1998-1999. Inmates discussed that there were three â€Å"traditional† sexual roles found in male prisons (wolves, fags, punks). There are also subcategories within both the wolf and fag roles. Inmates labeled the two subcategories of wolves as the â€Å"aggressive wolf† and the nonaggressive wolf. † The aggressive wolf was depicted as someone of African American descent who was both physically and verbally â€Å"tough. † These inmates entered prison with a heterosexual orientation and maintained their masculinity by sexually assaulting younger, weaker inmates (punks). Raping a punk had more to do with power than sex. Non-aggressive wolves (or â€Å"teddy bears†), on the other hand, typically did not sexually assault their sex partners. But somehow they sought sexual relationships with other inmates (â€Å"fish† or â€Å"closet gays†) who were willing to engage in consensual homosexual activity while in prison. They tended to be Caucasian men who entered prison with a heterosexual identity and maintained their masculine role by participating in active role during sex. However, when asked about their current sexual orientation, over half of the nonaggressive wolves answered that they were now bisexual. Therefore, many of these inmates – because of the lack of heterosexual sex in prison – had changed their self – impression regarding their sexual orientation. The two subcategories of fags, on the other hand, included fish and the closet gays. Fish were typically African American males who took on a feminine role and appearance. They wore make-up, displayed female mannerisms, and took on female nicknames. Fish entered into prison life homosexual and maintained their homosexual identity, by assuming the passive role during sexual activity. Closet gays were typically Caucasian males who entered prison with a â€Å"hidden† homosexual identity. They have the ability to take on both the active and passive role during sexual activity. They did, however, try to maintain masculine appearances and mannerisms (Hensley, 2002).

Friday, November 22, 2019

LSAT Tricks from an Insider

LSAT Tricks from an Insider The makers of the LSAT are famously mysterious, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get inside their heads. Teaching LSAT prep classes has given me some unique insights into the how and  why of the test; the following tips- one for each section of the LSAT- should help you crack LSAC’s code on test day. LSAT Trick #1:  Memorize Argument Types Section: Logical Reasoning The vast majority of questions on the two Logical Reasoning portions of the LSAT contain a full argument: one or more premises and a conclusion. The conclusion is the thing the author is trying to prove, and the premise is some evidence that supports that conclusion. A tried and true way of scoring big on the Logical Reasoning portion is to memorize a  list of those argument types  then look for them on test day. Here’s an example of a common argument type, often referred to as excluding alternatives: There are two restaurants in this town- Roach Hut and Beef in a Cup. Beef in a Cup is closed for health code violations. Therefore, we must eat at Roach Hut. We’ve eliminated every possible alternative, so we can conclude that we must go with the only one left. Arguments like this show up on every LSAT. There are also mistakes that show up regularly in arguments, and the LSAT tests your understanding of them. Here’s an example of a flaw that some refer to as an exclusivity flaw: Imagine that, in the town referenced in the argument above, there was a third restaurant, Road Kill Bar Grill. If you made the exact same argument- excluding one restaurant- without showing that this third option was impossible, you would’ve committed an exclusivity flaw. On the test, two questions can look different on the surface- one might be about moon rocks and another about ancient history- but they may very well just be different contexts for the same type of argument. If you memorize the argument types and argument flaws before test day, you’ll be light-years ahead of the competition. LSAT Trick #2:  Use Your Game Setup More Than Once Section: Analytical Reasoning (Games)   Let’s say question #9 asks you, â€Å"If C is in slot 7, which one of the following must be true?† You dutifully create your Logic Games setup with C in 7, get the answer and move on. Guess what? You can use the work you did on question #9 on later questions. For example, another question might ask something like, â€Å"Which of the following could be true?† If there’s an answer choice that matches the setup you already made for question #9, you’ve already proven that it could be true, and so you’ve got the right answer without doing any work. If you can use your earlier work to knock out a few answer choices, you have a better chance of getting the later question right. If you can knock out all four wrong answers, then you’ve got the right answer by process of elimination. The takeaway here is don’t do more work than you have to. LSAT TRICK #3: Find the Argument Structure Section: Reading Comprehension It’s useful to think of a passage in the Reading Comprehension section as a really long (and boring) Logical Reasoning argument. Since there are generally between one and three arguments being made in any Reading Comprehension passage, and we know that an argument is made of premises and a conclusion, look for those premises and conclusions as you read. Find the structure of the argument to help you understand whats being asked.   These things are very often conclusions: A cause and effect relationship; a hypothesis; a recommendation that a course of action be taken; a prediction; an answer to a question. These things are very often premises: An experiment; a scientific study; scientific research; an example; an expert’s statement; a laundry list of items in a category. Here’s an example of something you might see on test day: The author says that smoking causes cancer. Then he talks about a study that shows that people who smoke are far more likely to get cancer than those who don’t. The cause and effect relationship is the conclusion, and the study is a premise that supports it. You’ll get tested on your understanding of how those two things relate to one another. About the Author Branden Frankel is an LSAT instructor for  Blueprint LSAT Preparation. Prior to teaching, he scored a 175 on the LSAT, got his JD from UCLA, and practiced patent law. You can find more of his insights at  Most Strongly Supported | LSAT Blog, through BluePrint LSAT Prep.   About BluePrint LSAT Preparation Blueprint students increase their LSAT score by an average of 11 points on in-class practice tests, and can enroll in live  LSAT prep classes throughout the country or  take an online LSAT course from home.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting Assignment

Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting - Assignment Example For this assignment, Dominos is having thoughts of venturing the market place in my community, which is the Jackson, Mississippi community. Therefore with this said, the objective of this paper is to conduct a demand analysis and forecast for pizza. This will enable me decide as to whether Domino’s pizza store should be founded in Jackson, Mississippi. My community Jackson is Mississippi’s capital state and has a very high population compared to others in Mississippi. Jackson County got its name from Andrew Jackson, as at the time he was the general until after quite a number of years he became the United States president. According to latest demographics research conducted in the year 2012, while Mississippi has 2,967,297 people, with Jackson County having 173,514 (United States Census, 2012). Jackson community has quite a number of industries where people make their living; these comprise of food processing, electric and machinery, agriculture and livestock farming (C ity of Jackson, 2010). Pizza is a food that is enjoyed by not only children, but also the entire family at large. This is why Dominos should open a store at Jackson community especially judging from the demographics and independent variables. Demographics are different kinds of attributes used when determining consumers buying behaviors as well as product preferences. The first is income whereby according to statistics done in Jackson community 80 percent of people living in this community have a salary, another 55 percent are self employed, 20 percent have investments that earn the money. Most of the population in Jackson community earn between $10K and $25K (United States Census, 2012). This means that if Dominos opened a store the people in Jackson community will be able to afford buying pizzas and sodas severally which means good business for Dominos. The Dominos price for a 2-liter soda is approximately $2.50. This is what makes people love Domino’s pizza the world over and that is because of their affordable prices. There are numerous deals and offers whereby customers get discounts. The other demographic and independent variable entails age: especially since organizations’ goods and services appeal to different age groups. Luckily, for Dominos children, teenagers as well as young families love pizza, which means if Dominos were to open a store in Jackson community where there is a huge population, they would get booming business. According to age demographics in Jackson community, the highest population is between 5 and 44 years with females taking the highest numbers. This age group is what will make Domino’s pizza a success in Jackson community. Regression equation is calculated by finding Y=50+0.03X Independent variable X=number of pizzas Dependent variable Y= cost of pizzas X=100 pizzas Y= 53$ From the calculations I have made I will interpret the coefficient of determination indicating how I will influence my decision to open t he pizza business. The number of pizzas people will buy is dependent on the price of pizzas they can afford especially based on the income they are making. Since the number of pizzas that people can afford to buy is high even if they do not have quite a lot of money, this shows that Dominos would make good business, as the people in Jackson community will be able to buy. Based on the demographics and independent v

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

English class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

English class - Essay Example Thus, the article finds that a general apprehension exists that video games cause violent behavior in children. However, the article challenges this contention as it does not seem tenable, though it concedes to the notion that to a certain extent, video games may impact children’s behavior. The article focuses on the premise that video games contain a lot of violence, bloodshed, objectification of females and sexual content. However, it emphasizes a more significant concern that viewing experience in the media, in terms of audio visual components, are â€Å"extraordinarily life like, and these effects can be particularly striking in violent games† (1). It also concedes to the fact that despite the existence of rating systems by the ESRB, children disregard the classification and even those below 13 years watch the content that is permissible to those in the age group of 17. The article also refers to research studies that â€Å"lend credence to concerns about the impact of violent video games† (3). However, this does not prove that games such as GTA cause violent behavior in children. The article, further, challenges this concept by arguing that there is â€Å"little or no evidence to support any of these theories† which purport that violence in th e video games such as GTA can provoke violent behavior in children (2). I believe that exposure to violent media or video games alone cannot make children to indulge in violent behavior. My research premise is based on the concept that many factors such as genetic framework, social circumstances, psychological reasons etc cause violent behaviors in humans. Therefore, children who possess any such specific traits or who remain exposed to any of the causative elements, stand the chance of displaying violent behavior. I do not agree with the evidence based on a study among 1254 students, which indicates that violent games cause aggression in children. It claims that those who play games are â€Å"more likely than their

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Jasper Jones Essay Example for Free

Jasper Jones Essay Bullying is a huge problem in schools, communities, and homes. Bullying doesnt just happen at a certain age, but it happens at any age. Bullying happens all over the world and is a huge problem thats happening around the world. After The Vietnam War the Australians hated the Vietnamese. It took 521 Australian lives and left many soldiers with permanent disabilities (the Vietnam war). The Australians lost the most people ever in this war. After that war any Vietnamese person would have gotten bullied. bullying causes suicide. Because it makes you feel bad about yourself.It makes you feel like you are incapable and/or undeserving of being loved and standing up for yourself.When a bully does something to embarrass you everyone sees it and that makes you feel like a failure.It makes you feel inadequate.It doesnt cause just depression.It makes you hate yourself and others and maybe even the world for tolerating such behavior. If you thought that the effects of bullying disappear as soon as your child gets out of school, you are horribly mistaken. Social bullying like circulation of rumors and gossiping could prove to be more harmful than bruises or black eyes suffered in a school fight. The psychological effects of this social type of bullying extend long beyond the school days and linger into early adulthood. This leads to depression and anxiety even when the victim has attained adulthood. Recent studies reveal that there is a connection between â€Å"relational victimization in adolescence and depression and anxiety in early adulthood. Instead of going physical, like threatening a child with physical violence, social bullying tries to undermine a childs social standing and relationships by making them pariahs, keeping them out of social activities or spreading rumors that can hurt.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky :: Educational Psychology, cognitive development

Methods and approaches to teaching have been greatly influenced by the research of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Both have contributed to the field of education by offering explanations for children's cognitive learning styles and abilities. While Piaget and Vygotsky may differ on how they view cognitive development in children, both offer educators good suggestions on how to teach certain material in a developmentally appropriate manner. Piaget proposed that cognitive development from infant to young adult occurs in four universal and consecutive stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations (Woolfolk, A., 2004). Between the ages of zero and two years of age, the child is in the sensorimotor stage. It is during this stage the child experiences his or her own world through the senses and through movement. During the latter part of the sensorimotor stage, the child develops object permanence, which is an understanding that an object exists even if it is not within the field of vision (Woolfolk, A., 2004). The child also begins to understand that his or her actions could cause another action, for example, kicking a mobile to make the mobile move. This is an example of goal-directed behavior. Children in the sensorimotor stage can reverse actions, but cannot yet reverse thinking (Woolfolk, A., 2004). During a child's second and seventh year, he or she is considered to be in the preoperational stage. Piaget stated that during this stage, the child has not yet mastered the ability of mental operations. The child in the preoperational stage still does not have the ability to think through actions (Woolfolk, A., 2004). Children in this stage are considered to be egocentric, meaning they assume others share their points of view (Woolfolk, A. 2004). Because of egocentricism, children in this stage engage in collective monologues, in which each child is talking, but not interacting with the other children (Woolfolk, A. 2004). Another important aspect of the preoperational stage is the acquisition of the skill of conservation. Children understand that the amount of something remains the same even if its appearance changes (Woolfolk, A., 2004). A child in the preoperational stage would not be able to perform the famous Piagetian conservation problem of liquid and volume, because he or sh e has not yet developed reversible thinking – "thinking backward, from the end to the beginning" (Woolfolk, A., 33). Concrete operations occurs between the ages of seven to eleven years. Students in the later elementary years, according to Piaget, learn best through hands-on discovery learning, while working with tangible objects.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Australian Identity Essay

The Australian identity is a diverse concept that has developed overtime through significant events in our history. As a result of these events, it is has established Australia into a multicultural society that now includes numerous new lifestyles. However, it is an evolving concept that is still becoming, as further cultures are migrating to Australia and introducing unique traditions to the Australian life. This idea is further explored in the poem ’No more boomerang’ by Kath Walker, which exhibits how the Australian Aboriginals were forced into a westernized lifestyle by the British migrants. In ‘But I was born here, Miss’ by an unnamed migrant child, we venture into the life of an Australian migrant child who underwent difficulties at his school because of his ethnic background. In Tim Winton’s ‘Neighbours’, we witness how the juxtaposing lifestyles of the migrants and the Australians come together and live as one, peaceful community . Comprehending a new way of life is frequently a difficult task to undertake, especially if it is forced upon. The poem ‘No more boomerang’ is a prime example of how a significant event in Australia’s history, the Arrival of the First Fleet, impacted on Australia’s identity. The Australian Aboriginals were the first migrants of Australia, and they lived and created the first Australian lifestyle.. The author, Kath Walker uses parallelism in the form of ‘No more’, which represents how much of the Aboriginal culture has been lost and has come to stop because of the new customs and traditions implemented by the Anglo-Saxons which entitles a new civilized culture. This notion is reinforced in the third stanza of the poem through repetition of ‘No more’ in the line, â€Å"No more sharing of food†. This stanza refers to how the Aboriginals are now no longer following their old customary lifestyles and instead are slowly familiarizing themselves to the new British way of life. It is unmistakable that the Aboriginal’s had a problematic period adapting to the new way of life installed by the British. However because of the British colonization we are now a country equal to Britain and one that provides all its citizens with a good life. Nevertheless a new wave of migrants arrived from southern Europe and thus cultural diversity started in schools around Australia. But this wasn’t always a good thing as a migrant child wrote in ‘But I was born here, Miss’. Australian migrant children went through troublesome obstacles at school because of their ethnicities. In this poem the author has used the repetition of the motif, ‘’But I was born  here, Miss’’ to emphasize how the child is still seen as a migrant even though he claims as being born in Australia. It further highlights how unaccepted a child was because of his or her cultural background which is supported by the rhetorical question â€Å"Where do I live?†. In addition, the rhetorical question gives further insights into how the migrant child did not feel like he belonged because of his differences between the other children. This intolerance led to a clash between the cultures which caused fights and misunderstandings at schools across Australia. It is therefore evident that Australian migrant children endured harsh circumstances at school because of their ethnicities and the intolerance of the Australian born children. Maybe due to the fact of th is intolerance many migrant children didn’t regard themselves as an Australian. Maybe they simply did not want to be associated with a group of people that could not accept someone for whom he or she truly is. In time however the two cultures would learn to live with each other and create a tolerant society as apparent in Tim Winton’s ‘Neighbours’. Countless of Australians and migrants were not accustomed to the lifestyles of each other and often wrongly misinterpreted each other’s actions. In the text, the author Tim Winton uses a hyperbole within the line, â€Å"Their neighbours were not murdering each other, merely talking†. He uses it to demonstrate how the new couple were not use to people casually talking to each other in that loud manner which had been influenced by the European culture of the neighbours. Australians and migrants wrongly misinterpreted each other’s actions which lead to one believing the other was crazy and vice versa. This exemplifies the different cultures each one lived by and the traditions that went along with them. The Australians were quiet and friendly people who are always respectful and knew their boundaries. Whereas the migrants were loud and critical people who always had an opinion and did not know what boundaries were. This is conveyed in the story when the new couple p lanted vegetables in their backyard which caught the attention of their neighbours, who were quick to give them advice on how to plant and maintain the vegetables. The couple would then share their vegetables with their neighbours who in turn provided vegetables for them to plant. The gap between the Australian couple and their European neighbours was finally reduced as they learned to live together in harmony. Therefore it is seen that the Australians and migrants  could learn to live with each other and create a society that accepts other cultures. In conclusion, it is clear that the Australian identity is a diverse concept that has changed over the course of Australia’s history. This is effectively highlighted in the texts, ‘No more boomerang’, ‘But I was born here, Miss’ and in, ‘Neighbours’, as they convey different aspects of the Australian identity which have been affected by events in our history. Simultaneously these events have created a multicultural society that positively interacts with each other and shares cultural traditions.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Realm of African-American Literature

In the realm of African-American literature, poet and writer Langston Hughes is considered one of the primary proponents that gave birth and development to the genre of Harlem Renaissance. This genre, which enjoyed popularity and support in the late 1920s until mid-1930s, was a cultural movement that depicted the life of â€Å"new Negros,† second-generation black Americans and direct descendants of African slaves in America. Harlem Renaissance was known for its incorporation of music, particularly jazz and the blues, in its everyday mirroring of African-American life through literature. Hughes as a major proponent of the Harlem Renaissance movement created literary pieces that sought to express his thoughts and feelings as an African-American artist while at the same time, providing social criticism against the oppressive nature of the predominantly white American society. His literary works, in effect, became channels through which he was able to artistically express his and his fellow African-Americans' sentiments about the realities they face in American society. Among Hughes major works of literature, the short story â€Å"The Blues I'm Playing† depict the dynamics that both white and black Americans experienced during the early 20th century. In this period, there was still evident division and discrimination between white and black Americans, with the black Americans gradually emerging as a major force in American society through their unique culture. â€Å"Blues† effectively illustrated the dynamics among Americans, white and black alike, as they struggled to assert the superiority of their respective race, culture, as well as gender. It is then this paper's main thrust to discuss and analyze â€Å"Blues† in the context of three prevalent themes illustrated in the story: friction between white and black Americans through conflicting views about each group/sector's race, culture, and viewpoints about gender roles. More specifically, the analysis involves a character analysis of Oceola Jones and Mrs Dora Ellsworth, a black American and white American, respectively. The character analysis centers on the presence or absence of change in the life of Oceola as she delved herself deeper into white American culture, and how, despite Mrs Ellsworth's efforts to â€Å"acuulturate† her in white American society, Oceola's roots and inherent ‘black Americanness' prevailed. In the end, Oceola ended up being more triumphant, cultivated, and artistic than her patron Mrs Ellsworth. In illustrating the changes that occurred to Oceola during her process of acculturation to the white American elitist society, it is vital to demonstrate these changes through the themes of conflict between her and Mrs Ellsworth in terms of their respective race, culture, and gender. Noticeable throughout the story was Oceola's seemingly passive attitude towards Mrs Ellsworth pretentious belief that she was, indeed, one of the few people who truly recognize art in its purest form. In contrast to Oceola, Mrs Ellsworth, because of her wealthy stature, took an active role in pursuing and creating what she called â€Å"pure art† through the proteges she had recruited through the years. The first theme of racial conflict emerged when Mrs Ellsworth expressed her traditional and prejudiced views about Oceola and black Americans in general. Though Mrs Ellsworth was congenial towards Oceola, her persistence to cling to society's prejudice against black Americans was immediately demonstrated through her desire to educate Oceola on the principles of pure art, avoiding, the best she can, to acknowledge the fact that she was a black American. Her attitude was reiterated once again in her insistence to acknowledge the genius of one of her Jew proteges, even though she held prejudiced views against Jews. Racial conflict emerges with Mrs Ellsworth apparent showing of her discrimination and prejudice against non-white peoples. Even the very act of recruiting talented young people and finance their education to music and the arts was her way of creating a distinction between her and her young, poor yet talented artists. By financing the education of these talented artists, she directly controls the kind of education they will receive, thereby controlling also the kind of art that they will produce. It is through art, then, that Mrs Ellsworth â€Å"oppress† her proteges like Oceola: by controlling the art that they produce, she holds the power to suppress the protege's desire to pursue his/her art simply because Mrs Ellsworth financed his/her education. Le Blanc's analysis of the racial conflict extant between Oceola and Mrs Ellsworth echoed the dynamics of racial conflict between them. While Mrs Ellsworth actively expressed discrimination and prejudice against people who belong to a particular race other than white American, Oceola's passive response towards her financer's behavior showed that racial conflict was a sublime one. Indeed, as Le Blanc explicated in his study of both women characters in â€Å"Blues† (16). Of course, in her paternalism, Mrs Ellsworth does not quite view Oceola as her equal. Despite the young woman's superior talent, Mrs Ellsworth persistently believes that Oceola lacks not just money, but certain cultural and emotional advantages. The older woman looks down upon her protege's attachment to the physical and sensual world. This sensual world is manifested in jazz, Harlem, and Pete, and all these represent her connection to her black community and culture. Apart from the presence of racial conflict in â€Å"Blues,† a more apparent theme demonstrated was Oceola and Mrs Ellsworth's conflicting views towards art per se. Oceola, exposed with Harlem culture, associated her music and art with the people she had been with, particularly her Harlem community and the church choir she used to teach prior to her being a protege under Mrs Ellsworth financial support. Mrs Ellsworth went through great lengths in order to assert the fact that the art she preferred, the art of elite people liker her, was truly American society's superior culture. But Oceola remained passive to Mrs Ellsworth's active advocacy to promote what she perceived as her â€Å"superior art.† Being the woman's mere protege, she expressed kept her own thoughts and feelings about the issue of â€Å"art for art's sake.† Interestingly, Oceola's honest view of art made more sense than Mrs Ellsworth learned viewpoints about it. At one point, Hughes voiced out through the character of Oceola the real nature and function of art to human society: â€Å"Why did they or anybody argue so much about life or art? Oceola merely lived-and loved it†¦If you wanted to play the piano or paint pictures or write books, go ahead! But why talk so much about it?† This honest view of art in Oceola's terms was the author's way of expressing his disagreement to the dichotomy of superior culture and inferior culture. African-Americans, who gave birth to Harlem culture, as well as contributed significantly to the world of art through the music genres of jazz and the blues, created art based on their experiences as an African-American and with their community. Art for art's sake was a credo not subsisted to in a collectivist culture like African-American's; art was created as a result of the people's interaction with each other, the product of harmonious unity and interconnectedness as peoples of a particular race, with specific traditions and heritage. In Mrs Ellsworth attempt to expose Oceola to Western (European) art in order to ‘forget' her Harlem roots and influence, she only reiterated her perceived superiority. She was a woman who held herself in high-esteem because she believed that she was promoting a noble cause, preserving pure, untainted art-art that merely exists for itself, an art that is autonomous to its creator and devoid of any other human element or influence in it. Mrs Ellsworth's perception of art was a â€Å"separation of art from life† (Bone, 23). In her failure to acknowledge art as the work of an individual and as devoid of any meaning nor influence, Mrs Ellsworth was indirectly destroying the concept of culture altogether, in the same way that she tried to change Oceola by ‘destroying' her strong Harlem roots, influence, and culture. Hughes' villainous portrayal of Mrs Ellsworth showed that an attempt to bridge â€Å"the gap between the two races by means of art† (1062). Unfortunately, Mrs Ellsworth's insistence to hold on to her prejudiced beliefs and perceived superiority became hindrances that led to the eventual deterioration of her relationship with Oceola. The issue of degradation was also reflected in the conflict that Mrs Ellsworth wanted to create as she took in Oceola as her protege (1060). It is inevitable that Mrs Ellsworth should compare herself against Oceola, who, despite the lack of opportunities and privileges in life, was able to create beautiful music without the proper training or education. Mrs Ellsworth tried to assert her superiority by indirectly assuming the persona of Oceola, whom she believed she owns and can control. That is, by supporting Oceola, she indirectly fills in the ‘gaps' in her life. Oceola remained unrestrained and free to express herself through her music; she was also able to produce beautiful art through music. These are the qualities that Mrs Ellsworth sought to have, and believed she had, by financially supporting Oceola. Thus, gender conflict emerged with the â€Å"contrasting meaning and significance and music to each woman† (Brent, 11). As Brent discussed in her analysis of Mrs Ellsworth and Oceola, the former's art was an â€Å"abstraction,† ‘rising above the banalities of everyday life.' Oceola's music, however, â€Å"music is a living, breathing practice which is fully integrated with her personal, everyday experiences.† These distinctions between the two women reflect the kind of society and reality they lived in: Mrs Ellsworth lived not for anyone nor herself, but on art alone. Oceola, meanwhile, preferred to liver her life not only with Pete, but with her Harlem community as well. Characterizing white and black American differences and conflict through the two women characters provided the in-depth look that Hughes wanted to show to his readers. It is through the characters of Oceola and Mrs Ellsworth that readers were able to witness the persistence and pervasiveness of prejudice and discrimination, regardless of one's gender or socio-economic status in life.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Brothers And Sisters Of Disabled Children Social Work Essay Essay Example

Brothers And Sisters Of Disabled Children Social Work Essay Essay Example Brothers And Sisters Of Disabled Children Social Work Essay Essay Brothers And Sisters Of Disabled Children Social Work Essay Essay Burke s article is unable to originate alteration in policy and pattern since his literature is based around his ain experiences and values. The findings are chiefly experiences from the parents and the cognition of disablement by association is limited. Burke overlooks what professional intercessions are better suited to back up siblings. For case, a UK voluntary service A Topographic point to name our ain provides households of handicapped kids with enlightening advice and runs sibling support groups ( Harris, 2008 ) . Parents believe siblings demands can be met by openly discoursing their sibling s status with a professional ( Conners A ; Stalker, 2003 ) . Meryer and Vadasy ( 1994 ) believe its bureaus duty for professionals to supply up to day of the month information sing their sibling s disablement. Siblings engaging in support groups is a signifier of early intercession to discourse their feelings and to portion their experiences. Burke does non inform us of the important function support groups help to authorise and back up parents and siblings ( Strohm, 2008 ) .Siblings are helped through relaxation Sessionss, out-of-door activities and have aid with prep ( DArcy et al,2005 ) .Although sharing experiences through support groups may non be suited for all children.Invididual guidance such as familial guidance or household therapy possibly more curative ( Conners and Stalker, 2003 ) . Families experiencing stray and pull offing entirely was prevailing in Burke s decision. An advocator or a keyworker could keep close contact with the household and arrange services to back up their demands ( Harris,2008 ) . Burke research of disablement by association is limited to better patterns, nevertheless the of import function siblings contribute within their households needs to be adhere to in bureaus agendas ( Meyer and Vadasy, Sibshops ) .For case, Aiming High for Disabled Children: Better Support for Families is a authorities transmutation programme.to guarantee services accommodate siblings demands through early intercession and for handicapped kids and their households to be empowered and supported to led normal lives ( AHDC,2007 ) . Decision about the value of the article Burke s article raises consciousness of disablement by association but provides no sufficient value to implement alterations in societal policy today. His research is really much ego reflecting and does non propose any farther solutions for back uping siblings of handicapped kids.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

If it was me, Mr. President, I’d Get a Grammar Lesson.

If it was me, Mr. President, I’d Get a Grammar Lesson. I have been thinking for some time that I would like to write a blog on the subjunctive.   One of my blog followers, an astute man named Gabe, was kind enough to give me fodder for bringing this topic to the top of my list. For the second time in The Essay Expert’s blogging history, I turn to President Obama’s grammar bloopers.   The first was his incorrect use of â€Å"tenant† when he meant â€Å"tenet† in his speech following the Tucson shootings (The President Makes Grammatical Errors Too!). This week I’m pointing to Obama’s statement about the texting transgressions of Congressman Weiner. Obamas Grammatical Error Said the President, according to many news sources, â€Å"If it was me, I’d resign.† I won’t spend a lot of time explaining that a more proper structure of this sentence would have been, â€Å"If it were me, I’d resign.†Ã‚   Put simply, this is a conditional statement, speaking about an event that is not sure to happen and that did not definitively happen.   Any time you see the word â€Å"if† in a sentence, watch out for the subjunctive.   The correct verb form is most likely â€Å"were.† A good explanation of the subjunctive can be found on EnglishClub.com. I also won’t spend a lot of time harping on the fact that the President used the incorrect form of the pronoun â€Å"me.† The truly correct phrasing would have been, â€Å"If it were I, I would resign.† Note that â€Å"I† is a subject pronoun.   But who really talks like that? Meet The Press:   To Quote or Not to Quote? What interests me most is the way the press handled the situation.   You might remember that when the President said â€Å"tenant† instead of â€Å"tenet† in his Tucson shooting speech, the transcription of his speech corrected his error.   In the Weiner situation the press went to bat for Obama again but not universally.   Ive created a snapshot of press coverage of the issue below. [Challenge to reader:   How many double entendres can you find in the body of this article? If you find one, report it in the comments!] The New York Times Michael Barbaro of The New York Times covered up (or worked around) the President’s grammatical errors as follows in his article, Obama Suggests Weiner Should Resign: President Obama told NBC News that if he were in Representative Anthony D. Weiner’s position, â€Å"I would resign,† according to a senior network executive. Fox In contrast, Fox quoted Obama word for word in their article, Obama Says He Would Resign in Weiners Position: I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign, Obama told Ann Curry in an interview scheduled to air Tuesday on NBCs Today. How many times do you think that one got tweeted? Youtube/Hollyscoop.com Hollyscoop.com, in the midst of making references to porn star names, fixed the subjunctive issue on its youtube video report, but did not touch the improper pronoun: Now the President is saying, â€Å"I can tell you that if it were me I’d resign†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Maybe these folks need a grammar lesson too. Pundit Press Pundit Press left the error waving in the wind, both in the title and body of its article: Title: PRESIDENT OBAMA: If it was me, I would resign. Body: Obama did not call for the resignation of Anthony Weiner, but did say,  I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign. CNN Finally, CNN’s article by Ashley Killough maintains picture perfect grammatical integrity in its headline, Obama On Weiner:   ‘I Would Resign’, but exposes Obama’s actual wording in the text: (CNN) President Barack Obama told NBCs Ann Curry in an interview to air on Tuesdays Today, that if he were in Rep. Anthony Weiners shoes, he would leave Congress. I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign, Obama said. Grammatically correct or not, Obama’s opinion surely had an impact.   Weiner has stepped down, probably due to the uncovering of his lies more than anything else. If you were a reporter, how would you have handled Obama’s grammatical error?   And why did Clinton survive his sex scandal, whereas Weiner was trampled?   The Christian Science Monitor has shed some light on this question in its article, Why Democrats turned on Anthony Weiner, but not Bill Clinton. I suppose we can all be comforted that no one (even The Essay Expert) will push for politicians to step down due to grammatical transgressions. Category:Grammar Writing TipsBy Brenda BernsteinJune 20, 2011 7 Comments Penelope J. says: June 22, 2011 at 3:05 pm Agree with the above comments. Also, Obamas use of the English language is generally correct except for the occasional slip such as this one unlike his predecessor, famous for his grammatical bloopers. For me, its a big relief to have a president who can speak and pronounce (think nucular) English correctly even though Obamas dependence on the er is annoying. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: June 22, 2011 at 6:25 pm Penelope, I couldnt agree more! Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: June 22, 2011 at 6:23 pm Thanks for your insight Eric. I wonder if Were it me or Were I to would sound stilted. I approve of grammatical errors when necessary to sound conversational. Even If it were I would have sounded a bit high and mighty. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: June 22, 2011 at 6:24 pm Rita, I agree completely! And it scares me how many educated people do not know the rules of how to start a sentence with a pronoun or pronouns. I do my best to educate when I can! Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: June 22, 2011 at 6:25 pm The Wizard of Oz the answer to all our grammatical troubles!! Love it. Log in to Reply Jarom says: June 23, 2011 at 11:05 am That was an enjoyable post Brenda. 🙂 Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: June 23, 2011 at 11:32 am Thanks Jarom! Log in to Reply

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fair Trading Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fair Trading - Assignment Example The Office of Fair Trading is the most important government body in this connection. It has the power to impose penalties on those found breaching the law. The amendments made to this Act in May 2004 assigned greater powers to OFT so it can now conduct investigations in case a business is suspected of violating the prohibitions. Apart from Chapter 1 and II prohibitions, business need to be mindful of the anti-competitive activities outlined in Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty. These prohibitions are similar to those contained in Chapter I and II but contain some additional information. Company directors are under increased pressure from the government now with amendments to Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 under the Enterprise Act 2002 whereby individuals found of breaching the law may face Competition Disqualification Orders. This can prevent them from managing a company for 15 years. Some key implications to remember include the power of OFT officials to demand documents that can establish the status of a firm and its trade practices. Any breach of fair trade practices can result in 10 percent fine for your business on an annual basis. Third parties can claim damages. The Enterprise Act 2002 has given additional force to compliance laws by making some anti-competitive activities criminal. The cartel offence clause can make some monopolistic activities liable to criminal prosecution. OFT gives priorities to cases of cartel offence and if found involved in a cartel, your business can face serious charges. The Fair Trading Act had initially granted power to Competition Commission for making monopoly references. However under Enterprise Act 2002 those powers have been assigned to Office of Fair Trading, which can now work as a statutory body in tandem with a Board. The Competition Commission is still an important body in this connection as it had the power to investigate monopolies on direction of Director of Fair Trade agency. However most of those powers have now been granted to Office of Fair Trading. It can still make investigations when appeal is registered on some decision taken by OFT. The Director General of Fair Trading has the power to investigate alleged breaches and if it finds that prohibitions have been violated, companies can be charged 10 percent of their annual revenue for 3 years. This is something that you will have to be very careful of since these charges can erode your profits for many years. That will consequently affect your share price and might result in a takeover. With the agencies and bodies that would try to control your monopolistic activities, there are some safeguards available which you should be aware of. If your company is concerned about possible monopolistic charges, you can instantly notify the Office of Fair Trading of agreements and any other activities that might constitute anti-competitive behavior. This can help you in seeking exemption by explaining how it might help and benefit other players. Secondly some agreements may actually not be in the jurisdiction of the agency and notification can help you understand where

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The use of social media to boost event attendance Essay

The use of social media to boost event attendance - Essay Example Traditional method of advertising events was through posting mail cards, distributing fliers and making individual calls to invite the targeted audience. These methods are expensive in terms of the financial resources used and the time incurred in reaching the audience. Embracing social media in the marketing activities has greatly reduced these expenses since very little cost is involved in advertising an event over the social platform. One needs to only have access to internet and have the relevant accounts to reach millions of people globally. Furthermore the communication is instant since no time is wasted in passing the information and hence an effective mode of communication. The reduced marketing cost implies that the organizers of the events can channel those funds to improving the outlook of the event and hence attract more guests. The little expenses incurred can also prompt lowering of the fee charged for the event and therefore encourage many people to participate (Havald ar, 2010). Almost every cultured person living in this dispensation of advanced technology participates in online social activities such as Twitter and face book. This large audience is translated to a large attendance when the respective planners harness and utilize the potential of the network to the maximum (Wale, Robinson & Dickson, 2010). Many organizations have set a team of online marketers whose mandate is to publicize the event and educate the public on the strategies to adopt. The strategies include creating relevant groups in the Face book and hash tags in twitter and then inviting people to join the groups and twit under the given hash tags. The promoters are always influential people with a large number of followers in the social media so that they can affect a large population. An effective mobilization and awareness creation is always a

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Media industry in Covering Islam by Edward W Said Essay

Media industry in Covering Islam by Edward W Said - Essay Example The book was first published in 1981. It primarily focused on the issue of Iran, cold war and war. â€Å"Covering Islam† is full of examples of the work of various media groups and journalists. The views and ideas have been appropriately supported by the facts and examples. Chomsky (2002) has raised various issues on the way media has represented various issues of war, trade union issues and terrorism. The issues ranged are from the presentation of these events by media and control of powerful groups over these mediums to control thought process of mass. Said’s work â€Å"Covering Islam† is another effort which seeks attention of readers towards the biased representation of Islam and Islamic community by mainstream media. In the words of Christopher Lehmann-Haupt for The New York Times Book Review for the same book:â€Å"[He] skilfully traces the origins of American misinformation about Islam to the way that Orientalist scholarship is financed and organized in t his country. And finally he pleads eloquently for the instrumentality of all historical knowledge and the needs of all scholars to be aware of their objectives. This plea amounts to a prescription for cultural self-awareness that will be wasted on none of us†Various studies and theories have been developed to study the development of the concept of Islamophobia. This is very clear from the previous studies and views of Chomsky, Said and others about portrayal of the Islam, Muslim and Muslim countries unfavourable from the past.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Zero Based Budgeting Accounting Essay

The Zero Based Budgeting Accounting Essay Zero-based budgeting avails a better approach to dealing with the drawbacks associated with incremental budgeting. Unlike in incremental budgeting, zero-based approach does not necessarily start from the previous years budget level; instead, the existing operations are evaluated and continuance of the operation or activity ought to be justified on the basis of its utility and its need to the company. Zero-based budgeting pursues to justify resource allocation within individual budget scheme, irrespective of prior period budgets. The budget in this case is initially allocated as zero unless the manager responsible makes the case for resource allocation. Every plan in this case is justified as per the total cost and the total benefits and past performance is not in any way referred as a building block. The goal of zero-based budgeting is to re-evaluate and re-examine all programs and expenditures for each budgeting cycle by computing workload and effectiveness appraisals so as to verif y substitute levels of financing for each program or expenditure. Zero-based budgeting approach avails some distinctive advantages compared to traditional incremental budgeting such as: it allocates financial resources based on planning requirements and results; and, in order to attain efficiency, zero-based approach encourages managers to search for alternative operation plans. However, despite the outlined advantages, zero-based approach also manifest some disadvantages; first, since the budgeting process is sophisticated, the process can consume a lot of managerial time and may appear to be too drastic a solution for the task at hand; second, short-term benefits may take precedence and obscure long-term planning as the latter is less dominant within the planning process; and, third, since the new budget is launched every year, there may be annual conflicts over budget allocation. In order to circumvent these drawbacks, especially concerning the managerial time required, one alternative may be to conduct a rolling budget every year and carry out zero-based budgeting perhaps three to five years, or in cases where a considerable modification that occurs within operations. This compromise may aid to weed out waste and inefficiency, especially within a period of intense competition and reengineering that is characteristic of the mobile phone industry. Indeed, zero-based budgeting is an effective means of controlling for unnecessary costs since the departments and divisions in Pear Ltd do not automatically receive a distinctive sum every year, each amount of money apportioned to each unit bear a purpose, which keeps waste and discretionary spending to a minimum. Zero-based budgeting minimizes the entitlement mentality with respect to cost increases, and bears the potential to render budget discussions to be more meaningful. Activity Based Budgeting Activity-based budgeting awards financial resources to activities that see the highest return in the form of enhanced revenues for the company. Thus, the organization can be able to translate its vision into a strategy with definable objectives so as to create value. The benefit of adoption of activity-based budgeting is that Pear Ltd can be to accurately link revenues to strategic objectives, which, in turn, may enhance revenue moving forward. Nevertheless, the implementation of an activity-based model demands investment of substantial time and resources, which may not be immediately feasible for Pear Ltd. The most effective performance budgets manifest how the invested resources fund day-to-day tasks and activities, and how the activities are anticipated to generate certain outputs and the outcomes that should be the result. If Pear Ltd adopts a performance-based budget, the company will have a good idea of how money is anticipated to translate into results. One of the drawbacks to this approach is that the budget process must incorporate the review of performance measures and time for discussions of performance against expectations. Performance-based budgeting Performance-based budgeting (PBB) process is a continuum that incorporates the accessibility and utilization of performance grounded in information at each of the varied phases of the budget process. Performance budgets mainly seek to contain information of a number of elements, namely: inputs, outputs, efficiency, and effectiveness. PBB mainly start at begin policy level in which the organization develop goals and explicit policy objectives. Decisions are mainly taken to link budget allocations to the set goals, objectives, and measures. Priority-based budgeting This approach represents an adjustment of zero-based budgeting method whose focal point centers on highlighting corporate priorities and apportioning growth accordingly. This demands a thorough ongoing review of departmental services. Based on the analysis for every unit the elements of spending could be classified as highly desirable or beneficial. Such decisions are supplied to the decision makers. Priority-driven-budgeting is a powerful tool that aids entities to: better manage the expectations of constituents; address present or anticipated fiscal constraints; highlight on the revenues at hand and utilize them in the most productive ways possible; spend within the entities means; and, attain the best results for the invested resources. Flexible budgeting can be employed by Pear Ltd management in planning by indicating what costs will be at diverse levels of activity. In so doing, flexible budgeting can be employed to solve the problem that emanate from employing static budgets for performance evaluation. Whereas the traditional incremental budgeting may not be necessarily flawed, the adoption of flexible budgets can award managers some feel for the impact of both fixed and variable costs. Pear Ltds management could shift from traditional incremental budgeting to zero-based budgeting. The adoption of zero-based budgeting suits the Pear Ltd, especially since in the mobile phone industry competition is rife. This is informed by the fact that it allows every managerial activity to be properly identified and then assessed by analyzing alternative levels of operation for a particular activity. The highlighted alternatives may be ranked and relative priorities laid for attaining effectiveness and efficiency. Alternatives to traditional incremental budgeting offer Pear Ltds management the most ideal characteristics of a budgeting system such as flexibility, responsiveness, and coordination. A move towards a decentralized structure can be critical to easing the drawbacks associated with traditional budgeting process. Critically evaluate alternative methods of product costing and the role of such methods in supporting such areas as the evaluation of strategy and cost control. Costing systems differ along three dimensions, namely: the components being measured; what is included in product cost; and, the manner in which the cost are accumulated. The differences in costs emanate from the urge to incorporate or exclude certain forms of information in product costs. The differentials manifested between the approaches stem from the timing of the cost recognition whereby the core issue centres on when the fixed production costs become expenses. Eventually, both methods produce the same merged appraisal of total profit; nevertheless, there may be differences in short-term phase profit measures and stock valuations. Basic approach to product costing normally incorporates assigning direct costs to products and allocating manufacturing overhead costs to products. The core product costing methods in this category include job costing and process costing. Job costing encompasses the transfer of outlays to a certain manufacturing job and may include contract costing and batch costing. Overhead is allocated to jobs and the approach is utilized when individual lots of products are distinctive, especially when the entities are billed directly to customers. Process costing infers the accumulation of labor, material, and overheads outlays across whole divisions or entities whereby the entire production cost being allocated to individual units. Process costing incorporates aspects such as operation costing, unit costing/output costing, service costing, and multiple/composite costing. Alternative Product Costing There is an overall concurrence as to the accounting treatment of key aspects such as product costs and of period costs; however, there is constantly a debate centering on what item costs should be billed as product costs. This is largely a case of designation of absorption costing (AC) and variable costing (VC)/ marginal costing) that embodies diverse approaches to product cost description and dimension, and consequently profit measurement. Absorption costing embodies the traditional approach that deems all production costs to be product costs. The accounting treatment of fixed production costs varies as per each approach. Hence, all the approaches deliver varied periodic stock valuation whereby in absorption costing, stocks remain valued at full cost of production while under VC; the stocks remain valued at variable production cost. Similarly, the methods may also yield to diverse periodic profit measurements. Variable costing system incorporate direct material, direct labour, and the variable constituent of overhead within product cost. Fixed overhead, in this case, is treated as a period cost. Absorption costing system incorporates direct material, direct labour, and both the inconsistent and rigid elements of overhead in product cost. Factory overhead, in this case, is absorbed into the product cost. Job order costing Job order costing explores and establishes the outlay of individual jobs/batches. The direct material employed and the direct labour hours are accumulated for each job whereby manufacturing overhead is mainly applied as per the direct labour hours. One of the advantages of employing this approach is that the outlays of every job can be independently analyzed. If the actual cost was extremely high, the manager is at liberty of reviewing the actual material and labour costs to establish the reason for the surge. While job order costing can be an effective tool for some companies, it can create additional work tracking costs that may not necessarily add value. Activity-based costing Activity-based costing represents a managerial accounting method that approximates the outlay of products and services by apportioning overhead costs to direct costs. Activity based costing system represents a modified absorption costing system whereby the indirect outlays are outlined to their cost pools to reflect resource exploitation of indirect reserves by the cost object. Activity-based costing (ABC) represents a two-stage product costing method that first allocates costs to activities and then allots them to products based on the products consumption of activities. Activity-based costing mainly incorporates four steps: first, identifying the activities that consume resources and assign cost to them; second, outlining the cost drivers connected with every action; third, computing a cost rate per cost driver unit/transaction (each activity should possess multiple cost drivers); fourth, establishment of output metrics and conveying outlays to products in multiplying the outlay dr iver fee by the quantity of outlay driver units registered in the manufacturing of the product. Since product mix has grown more diverse, activity based costing has evolved to become a useful tool. Activity-based costing allows managers to arrive at decisions by employing product outlay constituent that only covers those actions that add to the manufacturing of the product. Nevertheless, ABC demands more detailed analysis of the activities within the plant that require additional resources from the company. The key benefit of this approach is the potential to approximate the outlay of entity products and services precisely. ABC helps to underline wasteful or non-profitable ventures that impact on the productivity of the production processes. Marginal costing Marginal costing is an approach that employs variable costs. Variable costs, in this case, embody those outlays that stay the identical per unit, but vary in sum as per the overall quantity of units manufactured. Fixed costs essentially remain the same in total irrespective of the number of units produced. Since variable costs are mainly controlled costs, marginal costing enables mangers to make decisions devoid of being swayed by uninhibited statistics such as fixed outlays. Marginal costing also embodies a valuable device to utilize when the entity business environment is extremely competitive. The product pricing can be engineered to recover the changeable outlays of the products. However, disregarding fixed outlays may modify the proceeds to recover overall outlays of the business. The Role of Alternative Methods of Product Costing in Supporting Evaluation of Strategy and Cost Control Alternative methods of product costing are critical to the evaluation of company strategy and overall cost control. In the contemporary competitive business environment accurate product costing is essential to a business survival. Such methods are critical in supporting such areas as the evaluation of strategy and cost control. The approaches are critical in shaping precise divisional and product outlays as a foundation for estimating the cost effectiveness of divisions and the productivity of diverse products. Cost allocation plays a strategic role in shaping competitiveness, especially in informing the effectiveness of the decision-making. Alternative methods of transfer pricing The rapid advances in technology, communication, and transportation have yielded to a large number of multinational enterprises that bear the flexibility to place their enterprises and activities anywhere in the world. The main rationale of transfer pricing is to render most favourable decision making within a decentralized organization so as to maximize the profit of the organization. A transfer price integrates the cost one sub-entity of a corporation charges for a given product or service supplied to the next sub-entity within the same corporation. The sub-entities may be profit centres, cost centres, or investment centres. Pear Ltd central managements adoption of alternative transfer prices may possess significant impact on aspects such as motivation, performance indication and autonomy across the range of Pear Ltds responsibility centres. Motivation in this case combines goal congruence and effort and includes the aspiration to achieve a given goal outlined by the management merged with the search of those goals. Ideally, alternative transfer prices should possess properties such as promoting goal congruence, motivating management effort, useful in evaluating subunit performance, and preserving an enhanced level of subunit autonomy in decision making. The advantages of transfer pricing across Pear Ltds range of responsibility centres include better, timely decisions owing to the managers proximity to local conditions; the managers are not diverted by regular, restricted decision difficulties; managers motivation increases since they have better control over results; and enhanced decision making that avails better training for mangers for enhanced level positions within the future. Some of the disadvantages that can be cited include lack of goal congruence among mangers within diverse parts of the organization; inadequate information available to top management; and, lack of coordination among managers in diverse parts of the organization. Alternative methods of transfer pricing Market-based transfer pricing Market-based transfer pricing details when the outside market for the product is well-defined, competitive, and stable, organizations frequently tend to institute the market price as a benchmark for the transfer price. This approach, however, attracts some concerns, especially when the outside company is neither competitive nor stable. This may distort internal decision making for relying on market-based transfer prices that mirror distress prices or a variety of special pricing strategies. Market-based pricing overall leads to finest decisions, especially when: a) the marketplace is perfectly competitive; b) there is low interdependencies of sub-divisions; and, c) there is lack of extra costs or gains to the association in its entirety from buying or selling within the external market rather than transacting internally. Using market prices for transfers in certain conditions leads to goal congruence. Division managers will be acting in their own best interests to arrive at decisions that may be within the best interests of the organization as a whole. Nevertheless, one can argue that computing transfer prices grounded in cost will most probably make Pear Ltd to pay little attention to mitigating outlays since all expenditures incurred amid production will be recovered. Negotiated transfer pricing This approach features a firm identifying regulations for the computation of transfer prices. Divisional managers, in this case, are persuaded to settle or jointly agreeable transfer prices. The exact transfer price in this case hinges on the negotiating powers of the divisions. The bargained transfer price manifests a number of properties: attainment of goal congruence; critical for evaluating division performance since the transfer derives from express bargaining between the set divisions; motivating administration endeavour given that once bargained, the transfer price is autonomous of real costs of the subunit (the subunits in this case manifest every reason to direct the organization resourcefully to increase profits; and, safeguarding subunit independence since the transfer pricing flows from express negotiations between the two subunits. Cost-based transfer pricing In the lack of perfectly developed market-price, majority of the companies base their pricing on the manufacturing cost of the supplying sub-entity. The most prominent methods employed include: full cost, cost-plus, variable cost plus lump sum charge, dual transfer prices, variable cost plus opportunity cost. One possible restraint of full-cost-based transfer prices derives from the fact that they can yield to suboptimal conclusions for the organization as a whole. Transferring products internally at incremental cost possess the following properties: attains goal congruence; not useful for evaluating subunit performance since transfer price fails to exceed full costs. Transferring products internally at incremental cost fails to preserve subunit autonomy since it is rule-based and some divisions have no say in and, thus, no capability to set the transfer price. However, transferring products internally at incremental cost will motivate management effort if based on budgeted costs (actual costs are comparable to budgeted costs). If, however, the transfers are grounded are based on actual costs, Pear Ltd possess little incentive to control costs. Although, neither approach can be cited to be perfect, negotiated transfer pricing possesses more favourable properties compared to the cost-based transfer pricing. Both transfer-pricing approaches attain goal congruence; however, bargained transfer pricing assists in the estimation of subunit performance, stimulates management action, and conserves subunit autonomy, while the transfer price remain based on incremental costs fails to attain these objectives. The benefits of utilization of alternative methods of transfer pricing between responsibility centres is that the operating managers possess the incentives to closely weigh and conduct cost-benefit analysis prior to requesting groups services or products. Similarly, the operating managers possess an inducement to pursue the job and the development undertaken by the responsibility centres. Decentralization would encourage plant managers to enhance output so as to achieve the highest profitability, and inspire plant managers to track cost cutting measures that would increase margins. Manufacturing managers would be equally motivated to design their operations as per the criteria that satisfy the marketing managers approval, hence enhancing cooperation between the responsibility centres. The problem that emanate from adoption of alternative transfer pricing by Pear Ltds central management is that the contract may necessitate extensive internal negotiations with regard to cost, time, and technical specification. Similarly, Pear Ltds divisions need to consistently sell their services or products to the operating division and this could possibly result in loss of morale. To the degree that the focal point of the responsibility centres is on short-term schemes stipulated by the operating divisions, the current arrangement would lead to goal congruence and motivation. Goal congruence is attained since both the central management (operating divisions) and the responsibility centres are motivated to work the organizational goals such as enhancing the environment. The operating divisions would be highly motivated to utilize the services of the responsibility centres so as to attain the objectives outlined for them by the administration.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dylan Marlais Thomas :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I’ve had eighteen straight whiskies. I think that’s the record.†(Quoted by John Malcolm Brinnin, Dylan Thomas in America). One of the most renowned authors of the twentieth century, Dylan Thomas is as well known for his philosophical poetry, critical writings, and essays. Often focusing on themes as birth, death, love, and religion, Thomas's works remain distinctly personal through a blend of rich language, detailed imagery, and psychological issues. Thomas is a poet known greatly for his indulgence in his love for poetry and literature. Parallel to this is the unique way Thomas was able to write his works about ideas and themes outside the environment he was contained to live within. His strict childhood and middle age life, which was largely filled with drinking, and wondering slums played some part in shaping his work, but can be overlooked if studied correctly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dylan Marlais Thomas was born on October 27, 1914, in the Welsh seaport of Swansea. Both his parents held respectable jobs and he lived under a middleclass household. His mother, in particular lead Dylan from an early age to be a serious reader and writer of poetry. Dylan’s interest in poetry and literature was sparked at an early age, and by high school Dylan was editing for his school newspaper. Aside from editing, Dylan also published his own works which frequently appeared in other publications.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"It is particularly clear from his early poems, where Marc Alyn has observed, all of his originality is already on view, that he was occupied with introspections that lie outside of time and place, and that his style owes comparatively little to tradition and experience.†(Dylan Thomas) Unlike many writers, Dylan was able to explore with ideas that he frequently could not compare his own life with. Dylan’s early poetry was greatly influenced by his friend Daniel Jones. The two friends often wrote plays, and developed poems by drawing lines out of a hat and piecing them together. These were the beginnings of Dylan’s career as a writer and poet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before long he was reporting and writing feature articles for the paper and its weekly supplement, The Herald of Wales. Thomas began to spend much of his time exploring the streets, pubs, and alleys of the depression-ridden seaport town in which he lived. Even though, well off himself, Thomas found it much more interesting to study and write about these areas (The Life of Dylan Thomas, Constantine Fitzgibbion). Dylan Marlais Thomas :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I’ve had eighteen straight whiskies. I think that’s the record.†(Quoted by John Malcolm Brinnin, Dylan Thomas in America). One of the most renowned authors of the twentieth century, Dylan Thomas is as well known for his philosophical poetry, critical writings, and essays. Often focusing on themes as birth, death, love, and religion, Thomas's works remain distinctly personal through a blend of rich language, detailed imagery, and psychological issues. Thomas is a poet known greatly for his indulgence in his love for poetry and literature. Parallel to this is the unique way Thomas was able to write his works about ideas and themes outside the environment he was contained to live within. His strict childhood and middle age life, which was largely filled with drinking, and wondering slums played some part in shaping his work, but can be overlooked if studied correctly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dylan Marlais Thomas was born on October 27, 1914, in the Welsh seaport of Swansea. Both his parents held respectable jobs and he lived under a middleclass household. His mother, in particular lead Dylan from an early age to be a serious reader and writer of poetry. Dylan’s interest in poetry and literature was sparked at an early age, and by high school Dylan was editing for his school newspaper. Aside from editing, Dylan also published his own works which frequently appeared in other publications.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"It is particularly clear from his early poems, where Marc Alyn has observed, all of his originality is already on view, that he was occupied with introspections that lie outside of time and place, and that his style owes comparatively little to tradition and experience.†(Dylan Thomas) Unlike many writers, Dylan was able to explore with ideas that he frequently could not compare his own life with. Dylan’s early poetry was greatly influenced by his friend Daniel Jones. The two friends often wrote plays, and developed poems by drawing lines out of a hat and piecing them together. These were the beginnings of Dylan’s career as a writer and poet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before long he was reporting and writing feature articles for the paper and its weekly supplement, The Herald of Wales. Thomas began to spend much of his time exploring the streets, pubs, and alleys of the depression-ridden seaport town in which he lived. Even though, well off himself, Thomas found it much more interesting to study and write about these areas (The Life of Dylan Thomas, Constantine Fitzgibbion).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Obesity and Motor Skills

There are 3 areas of Physical development. |Gross Motor Skills |The use of large muscles in the body and can include things like walking or riding a | | |bike. | |Fine Motor Skills |The use of smaller muscles in the body and including using building blocks or juggling,| | |also activities that involve hand-eye coordination. | |Fine Manipulative skills |The use of the arm, hand and wrists muscles and include activities like using a pen. | Both fine motor skills and fine manipulative skills are also the use of hands and fingers. This form of development also has a holistic element as it links into the other areas of development; Social, Emotional, Intellectual/Cognitive, Communication/Language and Creative. When looking at physical development it clearly shows that a child’s development begins at the head, then it continues down the body. To aid with physical development, children need to be physically active. This can help prevent the harmful effects on health and wellbeing in both the long and short term. In the short term, physical activity can boost energy and help children to get rid of any excess stress or anxiety. It also shows that children are more physically active, have better eating and sleeping habits. They are also less likely to get illnesses like cold and flu bugs. In the long term, physical activity helps with the issue of obesity in children. This can also help with preventing other health problems like heart disease and stage 2 diabetes. It has also been shown to reduce the risk of some forms of cancer. Physically active children also have improved psychological wellbeing. They can gain self confidence and higher self esteem. It is important for children to have lots of space and access to outdoor activities as this can benefit all areas of development. Children follow a sequence of development. Gross and fine motor skills are the starting points and lead into other areas. Locomotion uses the large movements and the ability to move around under ones â€Å"own steam†. This begins with a baby learning to first crawl or bum shuffle, and then develop the ability to walk. There is also balance which is the fist of the senses to develop. This is crucial to a child’s posture, movement and proprioception. Proprioception is the sense that starts to inform a baby of the areas of the body that are mobile. An example of this is when a young child rolls backwards and forwards on the floor with no goal insight, they are getting balance ready for sitting, standing and walking. As physical development is linked to the other areas of development, each affect and are affected by the others. Emotional Development; if and when a baby masters the ability to crawl, they are then free to explore their environment alone. This makes the child more independent and confident and more likely to cope with separation from familiar adults. Cognitive Development; hand-eye coordination help with the ability to reach and grasp at objects, this develops at around 6 months of age and often results in a surprised reaction at first. As babies are interested in edges they soon learn where one object ends and another begins, this area of development is important. Language Development; movement activities help children by giving them plenty of opportunities to talk and use new vocabulary that is related to the activity. Social Development; learning social skills are achieved when playing with other children. They also learn to appreciate others and help them gain confidence.